New and upcoming Trek gear...

A big part of Star Trek fandom is collecting memorabilia from our favorite shows and films. For some fans its comic books and action figures, for others autographs and authentic props, and for a few its pretty much anything and everything Trek related.
As we get closer to the May 8th release of the new film more and more items will be hitting the marketplace. It seems we've had a bit of a Trek merchandise drought over the past six years or so, but things are looking up. Here's a look at some of the items available now and a couple of others to keep an eye out in the coming months.

The Star Trek complete comic book collection from GTI is an amazing item and a must have for any fan. It includes every single Star Trek comic book ever published (with the exception of the current IDW series) in convenient PDF file format. There are literally hundreds of issues here covering every TV show and most of the movies. I've had this for a few days now and can't even begin to tell you how much fun I'm having revisiting some of my favorite stories as well as finally getting to read tons of issues I was never able to get my hands on. For less than 50 dollars you get over 500 complete issues. When I say complete I really mean it. These even have the original ads and letters sections from each issue. Highly recommended.

All 79 episodes of the original series remastered are now available on DVD featuring all new visual effects and a ton of clean up and audio remixing. The image quality on these episodes is stunning. Many fans have been pissed off about the new visual effects sequences, but as long as the classic episodes are still available with their original opticals I don't mind the tinkering. The first season was released on High Definition on the HD DVD format right before its demise. Paramount has not announced any plans for a Blu-Ray release, but it can't be far off. In the meantime all 3 seasons are available on standard definition DVD and they look glorious.

Remember those old Mego dolls (I mean action figures) from way back when? Well Emcee toys has brought them back. Perfect replicas of the original figures have been released featuring the crew from the USS Enterprise and some of their most dangerous foes. They come in vintage styled packaging with a resealable clam shell, so you can take them out to explore strange new worlds and then pack them up again for display. A replica of the original bridge will be released in January.

Just in time for your next away mission comes the phaser and communicator 2 pack from Diamond Select, featuring two highly detailed replicas you can play with. These are just way too much fun to keep sealed away. They feature tons of lights and sound effects straight from the show's sound effects library.

If you have a friend or family member who is just getting into Star Trek (and after the new film comes out I'm sure many of us will) then this might be the perfect gift for them this holiday season. If you are a long time fan there's nothing new here for you, but for the uninitiated this is the perfect companion as they begin to make their way through the Star Trek universe. Think if this as Star Trek for dummies. Tons of images and quotes from multiple episodes and movies accompany all the text with a very clean layout.

The Star Trek PEZ collector's set includes PEZ dispensers featuring the entire crew of the Enterprise from the original series. You also get a bonus dispenser featuring the ship itself.

Coming Soon:

Next month Round 2, will be distributing several previously released starship model kits under the AMT and Polar Lights brands. First up will be a re-issue of the classic AMT 1/650 scale model of the TOS USS Enterprise, featuring a new more accurate mold. It will be available in either a box, or metal tin.

This replica of the original series tricorder has awesome written all over it. Should be as highly detailed as the Phaser and communicator already released by Diamond Select. It will also feature lights and sounds straight from the show. Available in December.

The fine folks at Art Asylum and Diamond Select have delivered some of the best looking Trek accessories and ship replicas ever. Continuing their line of space craft from the Trek universe they will be releasing the USS Enteprise-D from Star Trek The Next Generation featuring lights and sounds straight from the show and including various lines of dialogue by the good captain himself Jean Luc Picard. Available early 2009.

Even though Star Trek 4 was one of the highest grossing Trek films ever it never saw a line of action figures produced. Art Asylum and DST will soon be filling that gap in our collection with their upcoming release of Kirk and Spock as seen during their visit to 1980s San Francisco.
Available Spring 2009.

Also in 2009 expect a full line of figures and accessories inspired by the new film courtesy of Playmates toys, as well as a 4 issue comic book prequel from IDW, a line of radio controlled flying ships from Tyco RC, Scene it and 20 Questions games from Mattel, and much more.
