Playmates toys returns to the final frontier...

One of our all time favorite toy lines here at the Nostalgia Factory is Playmates' Star Trek Universe collection which ran from the early to late 90s. This toy line was massive and it covered all the shows and most of the movies. Not only did we get some great looking action figures but we also got role playing toys, ships, and even playsets. For 2008's Star Trek relaunch Playmates toys is back as the master toy licensee for the film. Today multiple online retailers, including the fine folks at big bad toy store revealed the full lineup from Playmates and many have already started taking pre-orders. The first wave of toys should be available in late March, even before th film hits theaters, with a second wave in September to coincide with the film's DVD release.

Here's a breakdown of some of the plastic goodness we'll be getting:

3.75" Action Figure line: These are sized just like the Star Wars, G.I.JOE, and Indiana Jones action figures. They include multiple points of articulation and accessories. The first batch includes:
  • Kirk in Enterprise outfit
  • Spock in Enterprise Outfit
  • Prime Spock (Older Spock played by Leonard Nimoy)
  • McCoy in cadet outfit
  • Sulu in Enterprise outfit
  • Uhura in Enterprise outfit
  • Pike in Enterprise outfit
  • Nero
  • Chekov in cadet outfit
  • Scotty in Enterprise outfit
Ships and Playsets: The ships will feature lights and sounds and will each come with a display base while the playsets are for use with the 3.75" action figures. The initial assortment includes:

  • Starship Enterprise
  • The Narada (Nero's ship)
  • Enterprise Bridge Playset (with Kirk action figure included)
  • Transporter Room Playset (with Scotty action figure included)
Playmates will also be releasing two lines of deluxe figures. One at the 6" size and another one at 12". The role playing accesories asortment will include a communicator, tricorder, phaser, phaser tag game, communicator walkie talkies, and utility belt. We're very excited about these and can't wait to see some images soon. In the meantime let's look back at some classic commercials from Playmates earlier Trek products. Set a course for the mid 90's...Engage!
