Fez Fashionz

Side view of the man carrying his rifle. An amazing figure pose, not one usually seen in plastic without separate parts.

The Caesar Miniatures German Mountain Troops have troops in regular German mountain troops uniform and in the Fez. The figure on the left is really great, he carries his Kar 98 like a real soldier.

These two guys are highly detailed. The SMG figure had a bent weapon when I took him out of the package but a one second repair of pushing it straight with my finger and it was fixed. No glue, no heating, no tools, just push it into place.

The set comes with two different grenade throwing figures. Grenades are very useful in the mountains. Note the SMG on the guy in the fez, it will just bend back into place with one finger.

Caesar figure with a tan colored Odemars Bosnian Infantry figure. The Odemars figures are a tiny bit larger, but within the margin of error. I plan on mixing the two sets.

Marching troops in each set. Much of war is just a walk in the sun. Marching from one point to another.

The Odemars set also has a horse mounted officer and several other poses not shown here. Both are good sets, the Odemars are also sold in several different colors.
