Mexican American War 2016 - U.S. Military: Mexico Could Collapse Under Drug Violence

Wargame scenario, most of our military is in other countries or has been demobilized. All warnings are ignored and Mexican government collapses. Suddenly we have a Somalia right next door. A U.S. Military Intelligence report says that due to drug traffickers murdering police and corruption within the government, Mexico could actually collapse as a government. While Mexico has been fairly stable in the last fifty years, it was wracked by revolution and invasion in the 1800s and early 1900s. The slowdown of the US economy has also meant less money going into Mexico from Mexican citizens living and working here.

So a small town in the US near the border in rural Texas is being raided off and on by "revolutionaries" from Mexico. Just as in 1916 the US Army sends troops to the border to protect American citizens. This times the troops are nationalized members of the Texas National Guard. Set up a small American town, with six or eight buildings, including a bank and a supermarket, and a few others that are destroyed. The National Guard troops are set up some distance away from the town, with the town between them and the border.

Mexican revolutionaries, using American HumVees and other light American made armored and soft skinned vehicles, as well as perhaps a few foreign ones too. I would use a mixture of Caesar figures, the Terrorists, WWII Partisans, and some of the Special Forces troops too. For the TNG use HumVees as well as a platoon of Bradleys and perhaps even a platoon of Abrams. The town can be populated with Revell and other companies Cowboys and other civilians. The civilians have to delay the Mexican forces until the TNG can respond and drive them out. The goal of the Mexicans is to raid the supermarket for food and the bank for cash. They have to load a certain amount of supplies from the market, blow the safe, get the cash loaded and back across the border with only a reasonable number of causalities.

Both history and the news can provide great wargame scenarios, if you just think about if for a few moments.
