To satisfy the requests of several folks, I have done some comparison shots of the new Italeri WWII US Army set with some sets of old. As you can see the scale creep monster has infiltrated this set and they are a bit on the big side. Seen here with an Airfix USMC second edition soldier. I remember we thought he was big at the time.
Airfix USMC first and second edition soldiers. Not the feet, the first edition guy has no feet, he must be slogging through the mud.
Both of these are good figures, too bad we have moved to the Land of the Giants.
A nice collection of Italeri figures in dark OD and the first edition Airfix in light OD. The Italeri are much better figures, the detail is way better and the sculpting of the poses is better. The selection of poses is better in the old Airfix set. Notice the Italeri even have thinner stands. I plan on buying the Italeri but I won't mix them with my Airfix armies. Too bad.
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