Zombies By Odemars

Some folks over on the HaT forum were discussing Zombies and so I figured this would be a good time to visit the Odemars Legion of the Undead. Remember, Odemars figures are on sale, buy one set for $10 or 10 Euros and get one set free, including postage!

Contact Yves at:

Pirate and American War of Independence.

Early WWI German and Landskenect. Love that picklehaulb!

American Civil War and Roman?

Mexican bandit and man with halberd.

This Amazon does not deliver books! One of the Three Musketeers!

Sumo wrestler with stick grenade and Viking. These Zombies are not the kind to shuffle along the strangle you, they will blow you up!

Christian preacher and another zombie. Very unusual to get both sides in the same set! The Zombies are valuable not only right out of the box as zombies but also as fodder for conversions. The Mexican bandit for example could have his hat donated to other figures, like Revell and Imex Cowboys or Imex North Koreans and they could serve as living Mexican bandits.
A couple boxes of these guys mixed in with the Twilight Games Zombies would provide a huge Zombie Army for minimal cost. Toss in some of the Caesar Undead you have a whole other world of undead adversaries for your regular armies to fight off. Odemars sets come in several different colors of plastic so you can make a varied and colorful zombie army without painting. I would recommend a simple dip of Minwax or similar to make them look a bit more undead!
