Bill Jrs New Website

Bill Jr's Custom Military Models has moved to a new and much improved website. BJCMM makes a small but growing line of WWII era military vehicles and accessories. They are all resin and in HO 1/87th scale. They blend in well with the popular range of Roco Minitanks, Paul Heiser Models and Fidelis Models.

The website is now set up to allow you to order products direct from Bill Jr. Yes, Bill Jr. is an actual person and he will cast up your order right away if he is out of stock on an item. He often upgrades his models as he gains experience and technique.

I have featured some of his kits on this site and a few more of his models are on the way. When I get them I will post photos of them. Resin models are not difficult to build, they cut and sand just like styrene. They can be glued using expoxy or superglue type glues. They should be washed with soap and warm water and then can be painted like any model kit. I have many hundreds of them in my collection and they fill up many of the gaps in the Roco line. Check them out!
