Cossack Camp Continues

Pigs only care about the mud. The advancing Red Army is not concern of theirs. They will be bacon soon either way.

Even a camp that is about to move still requires firewood, latrines, and all the other maintenance that any other camp needs.

Men take boards into the center of camp. Lumber, like everything else is in short supply. It will be needed at the new camp.

The men perform the chores needed to break down the camp and prepare to move. The soldiers have not returned, they have not broken contact with the Reds, so they still have some time. These moves have to be well planned in advance to insure there is time to break down the yurts, pack up the supplies and for the women, children and animals to move to the new campsite.

A picturesque scene when viewed from the air. A small camp on the steppes. Cavalrymen ride into camp from the east with news of the war.
