Atomic Testing, New Generals

A special change of command ceremony is taking place at the Atomic Testing base. Three new generals have arrived to take over operations. As the pace of the Soviet Unions atomic programs as accelerated, the President has made atomic testing a higher priority.

The new General officers will be Army General Clay in command, with General O'Donnell from the new Air Force as his second in command. The third general is another Army general, a medical doctor, General Snyder. He will be supervising the medical aspects of exposure to atomic radiation. Most scientists think the danger to troops from radiation is slight, but it does not hurt to study the situation to gather more information.

More troops are being assigned to the base as well. Army and Marines both will now serve here. Special vehicles are being assigned to the base that will serve as extra security.

More speeches have to be made to welcome the generals and the new troops. A large number of civilians employees for both fire prevention and materials handling have also been assigned to the Atomic Testing base. This is big goings on for a usually quite research facility.

The medical staff has been increased too, with a chaplain attached to the base headquarters as well. No godless Communists here.
