Award Ceremony From Hell

Okay, call the base Engineers. They use bulldozers. They must have ordered one and it just got dropped off here for some reason. I bet that's it. Yes, I am sure they will take it off our hands.

"...and so in recognition of the fine work done here by a great patriot and lover of freedom..."

"...a great scientist that we can all respect and admire for his magnificent work up to today..."

"Dr. I it is my great privilege to present you with this award today."
"Thank you, but what I really want is enough men to do the job and a bulldozer!"

A near audible sigh of relief falls over the several hundred men drawn up in this company to witness this event. Standing around while someone makes a very generic and boring speech to give another award to someone who has a drawer full of them can be very trying. At least it was not a hot day.
MPC slot and ring hand figures, with a few from Carzol and a few others. Armored car by Tim Mee.
