Trees, Mammoths, Cavemen

Cavemen, with Woolly Mammoth and dead trees.

The Woolly Mammoths are from Marx the toy company. They are recasts. The cavemen are from dollar stores. The dead trees are from Imex.

When Lewis and Clark went west, the President asked them to keep and eye open for Mammoths. There were people who thought they might still be alive in the unexplored reaches of the wild west.

The Marx Mammoths come in several different sets, usually with a mix of ancient mammals and dinosaurs.

Imex makes an accessory set for the Alamo, the dead trees are from that set. They are a semi-soft plastic that takes bends. Once bent the tree limbs can hold other positions. The Mammoth is sold as an original and recast. The recast ones are pretty cheap. The match well with 1/72nd scale figures and are way cheaper than the metal ones.
