While at my local dollar store recently I found several sets of soldiers with accessories. One of the nice thing about the dollar store is you can buy a set like this even if you only need one part of it because the items are so cheap.
This is the contents of this set. The figures are randomly assorted, but there were four versions of the sets.
The small cannons are similar to some British cannons that were made under contract to the British government in the First World War. Once the US got into the war, the guns were then made for the US Army, but re-chambered for the same ammo as used in the 75mm guns the US was getting from the French.
These guns were used by the US Army at least until 1942. These MPC ring hand figures make a good crew for these guns. I got five of them.
The Tim Mee Jeep can tow these cannons and they look pretty good together.
I have no doubt that these cannons will appear in a future edition of the Atomic Testing Base 60mm adventure.
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