Quantum Mechanix exclusive screen accurate Starfleet badges

QMX, the company responsible for the creation of all the Enterprise models used at the Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood will be producing a set of four screen accurate Starfleet badges.
These limited edition pieces will only be available with the purchase of the Best Buy Star Trek Blu-Ray gift set arriving on November 17.

The badges are cast in solid metal and can be attached to your favorite uniform. 
The set will retail for $39.95 with the 3 disc version of the film on Blu-Ray and the badges. Sounds like a great deal since QMX is known for high end studio quality replicas. Their new U.S.S. Enterprise replica which will go on sale in the fall is now on display at the Sideshow Collectibles booth at Comic-Con. Be sure to check it out if you are planning to attend the event.
