Dead Germans in Berlin

This is the new 1/72nd scale Dead Germans, Berlin 1945 set from Ykreol.
They are a soft plastic, every figure is mounted on a little base and makes for a mini-diorama.
There is no indication of who they all are, but from the gorget, I would say this is a military policeman.

A dead officer. This late in the war the high boots were often prized by the Germans and hard to get. As most of you know, I am not a big fan of "dead guys."

Since this figure is wearing an arm band, he is probably a Volksstrum Mann. I intend to use them as wounded in my Berlin Flak Tower. They had a hospital inside. I may cut away the little base, it is very thin.

I think this guy is supposed to be a regular soldier. Notice most are missing their weapons. In the last days there was a shortage of everything, so I suspect weapons would be picked up rather quickly.

You can get these figures direct from Ykreol, at
My friend Yves owns the company and is a very good guy to deal with. He is a collector as well as a manufacturer of figures. He and I trade figures and he always sends me samples of all his new stuff to review. His is a very interesting website and be sure to check out all the photos. His stuff paints up very nice and he makes items no one else does. I have more reviews of his products very soon.
