Sdkfz 222

The Sdkfz 222 armored car was very common in WWII. These resin kits are so old, I am not sure who actually made it.

Not great, but these have been sitting around in my collection for at least five years. I think I got them when I purchased a collection. As you can see, they need a lot of flash cleaned up before they will be in good shape.

An initial assembly of the vehicle. These will probably end up in my Africa Korps units. Bill Jr. Custom Models makes a 222 armored car, but this one is not nearly as good.

Look at this gun, a lot of flash to trim off. These delicate parts require very careful handling. I use only the sharpest new knife blades on a job like this.

The wheels were cast as one part with a single open face mold. No detail on the back. I will drill them out and add a wire axle. I don't intend to make them roll, but an axle makes the wheels stronger.
