170 & 210

The big yellow gun is my first 170. I completed it months ago as a test of the parts fit and instructions. Not a bad kit, but certainly not an easy model. I was not enthusiastic to build five more, the only difference between the 170 and the 210 is the length and girth of the barrel.

This is a 210mm. The models come in all gray resin or all yellow. This one is a combination of two different kits, but they are identical apart from color.

Here you can see the plastic tile I used for the side stands.

Working on another 170mm. The barrels are turned aluminum and are perfect. I built all five at the same time in an assembly line style. It's about 300 parts for five of them.

The prototype and the five others, 2 of the 210 and 4 of the 170. The 210 was used in batteries of 2 or 4, I figure late war they get two. The 170 was used in batteries of 4 or 6 and I figure the 4 gun battery for late war use. My Panzer III artillery towing tanks will tow the four 170s and I intend to use a couple Paul Heiser Models Panthers to tow the two 210's.
