Big Guns

170mm WWII German artillery from Arsenal-M. I special ordered four of them from Randy at Fidelis Models. Randy is one of my best friends.

I also got two of the nearly identical 210mm howitzers also. I cut them off the sprue and sorted the parts for each into a cheap box I got at Michaels.

There are also etched brass bits too in the upper left hand corner.

Some of them are molded in gray and some in yellow resin. The resin is semi-hard and semi-brittle. I did not break a single piece while trimming them up. Quite a feat really.

I built one of the guns several months ago, well many a year or two ago. In the last month I prepped the other five for construction and they are here in these boxes. The models are HO scale and very expensive, fortunantely Randy always gives me a deal.
