Unmeasured Strength

Unmeasured Strength, Lauren Manning, Henry Holt and Company, LLC, New York, NY 2011, ISBN 978-0-8050-9463-3



I got a free copy of this book to write a review. When I study a battle I like to look at it from different perspectives. What is the strategic value in the battle, what did the generals plan? How did the technology function, how was the battle from the point of view of the company commander, the squad leader and even the individual soldier. Lauren Manning was an individual soldier involved in the Battle of September 11, 2001.

She worked at the World Trade Center and was in the lobby when the plane hit. The fire came down the elevator shafts and set her on fire and knocked her down. She was burned over 80% of her body and spent years recovering from her wounds. We read statistics that so many were killed and so many were wounded. We often don’t realize what wounded means. Lauren Manning had wounds that required years of surgery, physical therapy and pain and disfigurement.

My wargame rules include rules for wounded soldiers. The wounded take large amounts of resources to evacuate and care for after they are hit. This book gives a very personal view of these attacks. It gives greater insight about what it means to be a casualty of a terror attack. A good book that shows us another aspect to the War Against Radical Islam.
