
As I kid I used to take toy soldiers to school all the time. No one cared.

A friend of mine posted this message on another website:

"Many of you probably saw the news item in which a 9 year old boy brought
cupcakes to his class to celebrate his birthday. Each cupcake was topped
with a plastic army guy. The principal of the school, Susan Wright,
insisted on removing the plastic army guys before she would permit the cupcakes
to be distributed. As a gesture of support for the child, Hunter Fountain,
I am going to send a bag of plastic army guys to him in care of the
principal. I call on everyone of similar mind to do the same. The mailing
address is below. To make it easy to do, below the mailing address are 3 urls
from which plastic army guys may be purchased and shipped directly to
I plan on sending some on Monday.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk Blog

Hunter Fountain
C/O Principal Susan Wright
Schall Elementary School
325 East Frank St
Caro, MI 48723

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