Magneto vs Batman

Playmates Battle Dice figures made over 60 figures in mostly about 1/72nd scale.  This guy is Magneto.  I wanted more variety and so I am doing some conversions.  First I cut off the flashes from his hands.

The first thing is to strip off the paint.  I tried everything and nothing worked, until I tried Goof Off.

I placed the figure in a glass jar and hosed the figure down.  The paint melted off as I squirted the Goof Off on him.  The paint remover was so strong, it melted the figure so I kept the use of it to a minimum.

Once the paint was off, I washed him with Simple Green to cut off the Goof Off.  My plan was to make Magneto into Batman.

Once the paint was removed, I added a Bat Belt and Bat Ears for Batman.  I am making the 1966 TV show Batman.
