A while back I saw a picture of a Stug III that had been captured by the Americans in WWII. It had no barrel and the opening had been plated over. They were using it to haul supplies. I go this one in a collection I bought and it had no barrel. Now it's a tank supply vehicle.
Supplies are important to any army, even a wargame army. Here are some of my trucks.
The Germans never had enough trucks. The captured them, they impressed German civilian trucks, they had the French manufacture them.
The Germans even tried to get the American to trade 2 1/2 ton trucks for Jews and POWs.
I use this for a missile control vehicle. It's the front end of two SWS halftracks and the lower hull and wheels of a 234 armored car.
The three original vehicles were accidentally melting in the sun. I was able to salvage this vehicle out of them. I use it to control the launch of anti-aircraft missiles.
This SWS halftrack has a water tank from a Roco US Army 2 1/2 ton truck on the back. They met the same fate as the others. I made it into a fuel tanker for those same missiles.
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