Ace new product: 1/6th scale Operation Cliff Dweller IV 1970 - 25th Infantry Division soldier

MISSION: The primary concept of Operation Cliff Dweller IV was to sweep the northeastern slope of Nui Ba Den, killing and/or capturing as many enemy as possible to include supplies and materials which could be used by the enemy.

On 4 January 1970, Operation Cliff Dweller IV commenced. The concept of the operation was to have two infantry companies sweep down the northeastern slope of the mountain and set up blocking positions a short distance from the bottom. A third infantry company would sweep the base of the mountain from southeast to northwest, link up with the other two companies and all three would sweep through the rock slide area (XT279603) to the base of the mountain.

At 0800 hours on 4 January the first of eight CH-47 sorties landed. Full report can be read HERE

Ace 1/6th scale Operation Cliff Dweller IV 1970 - 25th Infantry Division 12-inch soldier features: 100% hand-made realistic weathering, Head sculpt, Man Mk I body, Painted bare hands, M1 helmet, Mitchell pattern helmet cover, OG 107 jacket (2nd pattern), OG 107 pants (2nd pattern), Patches (25th Infantry Division, name tab & US Army tab), OD green tee, Trouser belt, Olive green towel, US jungle boots DMS spike protective panama sole, M1956 suspenders, M1967 individual equipment belt, M1956 20 rd ammo pouches x 2, M1956 compass pouches x 2, Jungle first aid pouch, 1 quart canteen x 2, M1956 1 quart canteen cover x 2, 2 quart canteen, 2 quart canteen cover 2nd pattern, M17 gas mask bag, M1951 entrenching tool, M1956 entrenching tool cover, P68 lightweight rucksack, P68 rucksack frame, Tarpaulin, MX-991/U flashlight, M3 Bandolier, M16 A1 rifle with three prong flash hider, 20-rd magazines x 15 + 1, Rifle sling, M3 Bayonet w/ sheath, M1942 machete w/ sheath, M18 smoke grenade yellow, M18 smoke grenade green, M18 smoke grenade violet, INCEN TH grenade, M67 grenades x 2, USGI carabineer, GI watch, Dog Tags, Cigarettes, Matches, Rifle Bore Cleaner, Plastic Spoon, Playing cards (ACE) x 2

Is that Justin Bieber under the helmet? Just imagine him in the jungles of Vietnam...

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