Voltron: Defender of the Universe is an American animated television series that features a team of astronauts that pilot a giant Super Robot known as "Voltron". The first season of Voltron, featuring the "Lion Force Voltron", was adapted from the Japanese anime television series Beast King GoLion. The second season, featuring the "Vehicle Force Voltron", was adapted from the unrelated anime series Armored Fleet Dairugger XV.
Sideshow is excited to introduce to you Sideshow’s Voltron Maquette.
Standing at a tremendous 27” tall, our Voltron Maquette is our unique interpretation of the iconic Defender of the Universe. Wrought with battle damage earned in combat while defending the galaxy, Sideshow’s Voltron will capture the imagination of fans from the 80s, and ignite the hearts of new fans to the property as well.
Constructed from polyresin, metal, and premium grade PVC, Voltron is made up of 106 individual pieces. However, lucky owners will only have to assemble 11 pieces to summon forth Voltron. The wingspan gives Voltron a diameter of 14.5”, making it the perfect centerpiece to your collection. The eyes in the main head, both the lions and the robot’s, light up and the piece can be displayed with or without the incredibly detailed sword.
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Voltron: Defender of the Universe is an American animated television series that features a team of astronauts that pilot a giant Super Robot known as "Voltron". The first season of Voltron, featuring the "Lion Force Voltron", was adapted from the Japanese anime television series Beast King GoLion. The second season, featuring the "Vehicle Force Voltron", was adapted from the unrelated anime series Armored Fleet Dairugger XV.
Sideshow is excited to introduce to you Sideshow’s Voltron Maquette.
Standing at a tremendous 27” tall, our Voltron Maquette is our unique interpretation of the iconic Defender of the Universe. Wrought with battle damage earned in combat while defending the galaxy, Sideshow’s Voltron will capture the imagination of fans from the 80s, and ignite the hearts of new fans to the property as well.
Constructed from polyresin, metal, and premium grade PVC, Voltron is made up of 106 individual pieces. However, lucky owners will only have to assemble 11 pieces to summon forth Voltron. The wingspan gives Voltron a diameter of 14.5”, making it the perfect centerpiece to your collection. The eyes in the main head, both the lions and the robot’s, light up and the piece can be displayed with or without the incredibly detailed sword.
Scroll down to see all the pictures.
Click on them for bigger and better views.
Related posts:
Review of Trendmasters Warner Bros. Ultimate Iron Giant 20-inch (51cm) Tall Robot Figure posted on my toy blog HERE
Bandai Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Megazord – Blast from the Past (How Time Flies) - pictures HERE
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