May 2016 Haul #2: Hot Toys 1/6th Star Wars Princess Leia & First Order Flametrooper figures

These were part of my May 2016 haul: Hot Toys MMS298 "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" 1/6th scale Princess Leia Collectible Figure and Hot Toys MMS326 "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" 1:6 scale The First Order Flametrooper 12-inch collectible figure. I thought it would be interesting to do a size comparison of both figures since they both came in the same size box (the boring standard black box) but one figure occupies a lot less space than the other. No prizes for guessing who. Things has certainly changed when it comes to 12-inch figures. It used to be that all 1:6 scale figures were 12 inches tall but that's not the case anymore. I think Hot Toys was the first company to produce accurate height figures i.e. the figure would be as tall as his or her 1:1 scale counterpart. And since most female actors are shorter than their male counterpart, the 1:6 scale figure of these female characters also have a shorter body to be movie-accurate.

I've done size comparison posts before and shown how the newer Hot Toys 1:6 scale figures differ from the earlier released versions in height and size. Hot Toys has produced and released many 1/6th scale Arnold Schwarzenegger figures and the newer Arnies (32cm) tower over the older ones (30cm) - You can check out my toy blog post HERE for the size comparisons. The opposite is true for Scarjo - 1:6 scale Scarlett Johansson got shorter in Avengers compared to the Iron Man 2 Black Widow - see the size comparison post HERE.

Anyway, back to the haul :)

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Like I said, same standard boring black box for all Star Wars 1:6 scale figures, a stipulation I believe is mandated by Disney who now controls all Star Wars merchandising.

Still, kudos to Hot Toys for including a second "cover" when the lid is removed. Here we see more pictures of 1:6 scale Princess Leia on a much nicer background... but alas, I see a blunder here. The first Death Star which appeared in the original Star Wars film (later retitled Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope when the studios agreed to let George Lucas do a trilogy after the original's phenomenal success at the box office) was a completed space station. The Death Star shown in the background is the second and larger incomplete / under construction but fully operational Death Star which appeared in Episode VI. Oops.

The movie-accurate Hot Toys - MMS298 - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope 1:6 1:6th scale Princess Leia collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Carrier Fisher as Princess Leia in the Star Wars film featuring a newly developed head sculpt, detailed hair sculpture of Princess Leia’s iconic hair style, specially tailored costume, two types of blasters, and a figure stand. You can see the preview pictures HERE.

Here's a closer look at the 1:6 scale Carrier Fisher as Princess Leia head sculpt

This is the Hot Toys MMS326 "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" 1:6 scale The First Order Flametrooper 12-inch figure. I really like these new designs and the flametrooper is a fairly new addition to the ranks of the stormtroopers. The flametrooper is a variant of the stormtrooper used by the First Order around thirty years after the Battle of Endor. The troopers utilized incendiary weapons and wore white armor. Their helmets featured glare reduction.

The "second cover" is much nicer IMHO

Although the Hot Toys First Order Flametrooper 12-inch figure comes in the same size box as Leia and most of the other figures (except Chewie and Darth Vader), the box is really packed with stuff and the additional interchangeable gloved hands have to be placed in an additional clear tray that sits on top of the main figure tray. You can view the preview pictures HERE.

Action Figure Review to follow soon :)
