Looks like a new company is offering 12-inch figures to the ever growing 1:6 scale collectible market. Ark Toys has released preview pics of their first product which looks like a 12-inch post-apocalyptic action figure belonging to a dystopian future where the air is bad and danger lurks at every corner. Danger appears to include zombies because he carries a zombie killing baseball bat with nails, one of those weapons that can be easily fashioned and used effectively against zombies when they get too close for comfort. This looks almost in line with Dam Toys Darkzone figures which have been previewed earlier on my toy blog HERE, HERE and HERE.
Ark Toys AT001 Doom Street Series 1/6th scale Nail Gunman 12-inch post-apocalyptic action figure featues: Head sculpt, 12-inch figure body with tattoo, hands x 4, coat, T-shirt, pants, belt, boots, scarf, backpack, goggles, gas mask, oil paint can, fire bombs (Molotov cocktail) x 2, Baseball Bat with nails, nail gun, crossbow, figure stand, background card
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Ark Toys AT001 Doom Street Series 1/6th scale Nail Gunman 12-inch post-apocalyptic action figure featues: Head sculpt, 12-inch figure body with tattoo, hands x 4, coat, T-shirt, pants, belt, boots, scarf, backpack, goggles, gas mask, oil paint can, fire bombs (Molotov cocktail) x 2, Baseball Bat with nails, nail gun, crossbow, figure stand, background card
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