Ghost in the Shell is a 2017 American science fiction action film directed by Rupert Sanders and written by Jamie Moss, William Wheeler and Ehren Kruger, based on the Japanese manga of the same name by Masamune Shirow. It stars Scarlett Johansson, Takeshi Kitano, Michael Pitt, Pilou Asbæk, Chin Han and Juliette Binoche. Set in a near future when the line between humans and robots is blurring, the plot follows the Major (Johansson), a cyborg supersoldier who yearns to learn her past.
Threezero Major collectible figure stands approximately 10.5” (~26.5cm) tall, it's fully-articulated and highly detailed collectible, featuring realistic likeness of the Major as portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the “Ghost in The Shell movie”, including tailored and weathered clothing: Tactical Vest, Ballistic Groin Protection, Shin Guards, Uniform, Pants and Pair of Shoes. Collectible figure comes with Tactical Pistol with holster, Circular Plaza SMG, Stripper Clip, Sub Machine Gun and multiple exchangeable Gloved Hands.
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Threezero Ghost In The Shell 1/6th scale Major (Tactical Suit version) collectible figure details: Highly detailed figure featuring life-like realism that is crafted with the authentic likeness of the Major as portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the “Ghost In The Shell” movie. 10.5” (~26.5cm) tall, articulated figure with tailored costume and Tactical Vest; Ballistic groin protection; Shin guards; Uniform; Pants; Shoes. Collectible figure comes with following weapons and accessories: Tactical Pistol with Holster; Stripper Clip; Circular Plaza SMG; Sub Machine Gun. Exchangeable gloved hands: One pair of Fists; One pair Relaxed; One pair for Gripping weapons; Two left hands for Holding Circular Plaza SMG and Sub Machine Gun.
Ghost in the Shell is a 2017 American science fiction action film directed by Rupert Sanders and written by Jamie Moss, William Wheeler and Ehren Kruger, based on the Japanese manga of the same name by Masamune Shirow. It stars Scarlett Johansson, Takeshi Kitano, Michael Pitt, Pilou Asbæk, Chin Han and Juliette Binoche. Set in a near future when the line between humans and robots is blurring, the plot follows the Major (Johansson), a cyborg supersoldier who yearns to learn her past.
Threezero Major collectible figure stands approximately 10.5” (~26.5cm) tall, it's fully-articulated and highly detailed collectible, featuring realistic likeness of the Major as portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the “Ghost in The Shell movie”, including tailored and weathered clothing: Tactical Vest, Ballistic Groin Protection, Shin Guards, Uniform, Pants and Pair of Shoes. Collectible figure comes with Tactical Pistol with holster, Circular Plaza SMG, Stripper Clip, Sub Machine Gun and multiple exchangeable Gloved Hands.
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Threezero Ghost In The Shell 1/6th scale Major (Tactical Suit version) collectible figure details: Highly detailed figure featuring life-like realism that is crafted with the authentic likeness of the Major as portrayed by Scarlett Johansson in the “Ghost In The Shell” movie. 10.5” (~26.5cm) tall, articulated figure with tailored costume and Tactical Vest; Ballistic groin protection; Shin guards; Uniform; Pants; Shoes. Collectible figure comes with following weapons and accessories: Tactical Pistol with Holster; Stripper Clip; Circular Plaza SMG; Sub Machine Gun. Exchangeable gloved hands: One pair of Fists; One pair Relaxed; One pair for Gripping weapons; Two left hands for Holding Circular Plaza SMG and Sub Machine Gun.
Threezero online store exclusive Major (Street Look version): Military bomber jacket; Tank top; Black slim combat pants; Military boots. Exchangeable bare hands: One pair of Fists; One pair Relaxed; One pair for Gripping weapons.
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