Kotobukiya DC Comics Katana Bishoujo statue

Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) is a fictional superheroine that appears in comic books published by DC Comics. Katana is portrayed by Karen Fukuhara in the 2016 Warner Bros. Pictures release Suicide Squad. Fukuhara has stated that she wants to explore Katana's backstory in the sequel.

Katana joins Kotobukiya's Bishoujo lineup of Super Heroes and Villains based on characters appearing in DC Comics! With her iconic mask beloved sword Soultaker by her side, Katana is ready to strike down her enemy. Katana looks amazing in her glistering black armor and red boots. Katana stands 230mm tall (9.05 inches) in 1/7th scale on a special themed base.

I would love to see a 1/6th scale Katana female action figure. Someone make one please.

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Available November 2017.
