Planet of the Apes is an American science fiction media franchise consisting of films, books, television series, comics, and other media about a world in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control. The series began with French author Pierre Boulle's 1963 novel La Planète des Singes, translated into English as Planet of the Apes or Monkey Planet. The 1968 film adaptation, Planet of the Apes, was a critical and commercial hit, initiating a series of sequels. Four sequels followed the original film between 1970 and 1973: Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. They did not approach the critical acclaim of the original, but were commercially successful.
Planet of the Apes is a 2001 American science fiction film directed by Tim Burton and starring Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Giamatti, and Estella Warren. The sixth film produced in the Planet of the Apes franchise, it was loosely adapted from Pierre Boulle's 1963 novel of the same name and the 1968 film version. It tells the story of astronaut Leo Davidson crash-landing on a planet inhabited by intelligent apes. The apes treat humans as slaves, but with the help of an ape named Ari, Leo starts a rebellion.
Medicom Toys released 12 Planet of the Apes box sets under their Kubrick series of mini figures which covered all the first six Planet of the Apes films. A new reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014; another sequel, titled War for the Planet of the Apes, opens in cinema theatres this week.
Medicom Kubrick Planet of the Apes Set A to H covered the first five films while the newer film released in 2001 had 4 box sets. Medicom Kubrick 2001 Planet of the Apes Set C which is being featured here is one of the four sets mentioned. Set C features a mini figure of Mark Wahlberg as astronaut Captain Leo Davidson, Estella Warren as slave girl Daena and Davidson's simian co-worker, chimpanzee named Pericles. The space pod which sent both Pericles and Leo to the Planet of the Apes is also included.
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You can check out the full set at under OTHERS category HERE
Planet of the Apes is a 2001 American science fiction film directed by Tim Burton and starring Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Giamatti, and Estella Warren. The sixth film produced in the Planet of the Apes franchise, it was loosely adapted from Pierre Boulle's 1963 novel of the same name and the 1968 film version. It tells the story of astronaut Leo Davidson crash-landing on a planet inhabited by intelligent apes. The apes treat humans as slaves, but with the help of an ape named Ari, Leo starts a rebellion.
Medicom Toys released 12 Planet of the Apes box sets under their Kubrick series of mini figures which covered all the first six Planet of the Apes films. A new reboot film series commenced in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was followed by Dawn of the Planet of the Apes in 2014; another sequel, titled War for the Planet of the Apes, opens in cinema theatres this week.
Medicom Kubrick Planet of the Apes Set A to H covered the first five films while the newer film released in 2001 had 4 box sets. Medicom Kubrick 2001 Planet of the Apes Set C which is being featured here is one of the four sets mentioned. Set C features a mini figure of Mark Wahlberg as astronaut Captain Leo Davidson, Estella Warren as slave girl Daena and Davidson's simian co-worker, chimpanzee named Pericles. The space pod which sent both Pericles and Leo to the Planet of the Apes is also included.
You can check out the full set at under OTHERS category HERE
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You can check out the full set at under OTHERS category HERE
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