MARVEL LEGENDS - BLADE REVIEW from the Man-Thing Build-A-Figure-Series !!!

Since there are quite a few Blade Marvel Legends before this one , I've let it be known it the post title subject . This is my first Marvel Legend figure of Blade ever . I do not have the old Wesley Snipes version from Toybiz although I plan on purchasing it one day . Plus I do not own the other Blades that Hasbro made with the exception of this one . I purchased this version of Blade at a local Walmart for around the $ 19.99 price range .

 As you can see Blade is a a part of the Man-Thing Build-A-Figure series . Plus this is a comic book version of Blade, and not based off of any actor that portrayed him . Now for a look at the figure out of the packaging .

 First we'll have a look at Blade with the default head than take a look at him with the alternate extra head . In my opinion , this is an excellent figure with quite a few accessories . The only thing that I do not like about this figure is that the glasses are painted/sculpted on . I wish they were removable like the old Toybiz Wesley Snipes Blade . As for the accessories , there's his katana sword , his  holster strap along with the bullet like projectiles on the strap along with the ankle piece wrapped around his left ankle . Also the Build-a-figure piece is the right leg of the Man-Thing . As always with figures with alternate heads, there is the luxury of having the options to purchase another of the same figure just in case of being undecided on which head to display the figure with . Speaking of alternate heads, let's now have a look at Blade with his alternate head .
Now this is the look that Wesley Snipes version of Blade was based on . I think I like this version better . This head is closer to Blade's original look given to him by Marvel, and not the default head that is displayed on the figure inside the packaging .
As you can see there are multiple display options on how you want to display this Blade figure . With either the default or alternate head , or with the sword in either hand or stored neatly inside the sheath on his back in the pic above . Although he can hold the sword in either hand , it fits better in his right than it does in the left . In his left hand the grip is kind of loose but in the right he holds the sword tightly and securely .
                                                 FINAL    THOUGHTS   

(1)  ARTICULATION  - There are no limited points of articulation for Blade . Excellent all around .

(2) STANDING  ABILITY - The figure stands well without balance issues .

(3) WHAT  I  LIKE  BEST  ABOUT  THIS  FIGURE ? - I love the fact that Hasbro is now finally giving these figures a realistic look , rather than cartoonish . Blade looks cool rather you display him with either head . The bullet proof vest like armor looks pretty cool .

(4) WHAT  I  LIKE  LEAST  ABOUT  THIS  FIGURE ? - Sculpted on sunglasses . they need to be removable .

(5) WHAT  COULD HAVE  BEEN  DONE  TO  IMPROVE  THIS  FIGURE ?- Make the shades removable .

(6) GRADING  SCALE - A 9.8 is great enough . The minus points is for the sculpted on/ painted on glasses .

(7) FINAL  ANALYSIS - After the Wesley Snipes Toybiz Blade , I feel that this is the second coolest looking Marvel Legend Blade figure after that one . Great job Hasbro !!!
